Members of the Commission:

Kathleen Fenderbosch
Tim Atkinson
Jack Sadlon
Jay McFadden, Council Liaison
Angi Mancini, Secretary

The Civil Service Commission consists of three (3) electors of the Municipality that do not hold another municipal office or employment.  The Commission meets on a quarterly basis, please check calendar for dates and times. 
The Civil Service of the Municipality is divided into the classified and unclassified services. Classified service consists of:  (1) The Chief of the Police Department and all full-time members of the Police Department; (2) The Chief of the Fire Department and all full-time members of the Fire Department.

Unclassified service consists of all other positions not specifically included within the classified service.

The Commission’s duties are to provide rules for appointment and promotion in the classified service of the Municipality on the basis of merit and fitness, and shall exercise the full power of home rule granted to this Municipality by the Constitution of the State of Ohio, in whatever legal manner the Commission chooses. The Commission shall also provide rules for the process of transfer, reduction, or removal of an employee within the classified service. The Commission shall provide the members of Council with a true copy of each rule the Commission adopts, modifies, or repeals. No adopted, modified, or repealed rule shall become effective until forty-five (45) days after the Clerk of Council has received such true copy, unless, by motion, by an affirmative vote of a simple majority of members, Council waives the requirement of the forty- five (45) day waiting period. Council may overrule a rule of the Commission, by ordinance, by an affirmative vote of a simple majority of the members within forty-five (45) days after Council has received a true copy of the adoption, modification, or repeal of the rule. Failure of Council to act within forty-five (45) days shall constitute ratification of the adoption, modification, or repeal of the rule.

The Commission shall hear appeals from the action of the Mayor or Council in any case of transfer, reduction, or removal of an employee within the classified service, except as otherwise provided in this Charter; and the action of the Commission on any such appeal shall be final, except that an appeal to a court of law may be made within thirty (30) days from the date of the Commission decision. Notice of such appeal shall also be filed with the Civil Service Commission.