Members of the Board:
Gary Pehanic, Chairman
Robb Chernisky
Tony Budak
Bill Eichenberg, Planning Commission Representative
Dana Beitler, Secretary

The Board meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The meetings are held in Council Chambers located in the City Administration Building at 26100 Bagley Road.
Powers and Duties – The Board of Zoning Appeals hears and decides all appeals made for exceptions to and variances from ordinances governing zoning in the Municipality. The Board shall also hear and decide all appeals from decisions of officials administering or enforcing zoning or building ordinances and regulations.
All applicants for a hearing shall be mailed a notice of the decision of the Board within three (3) days after the Board makes its decision. Council shall be also mailed a copy of the notices sent to the applicants.  Council, by ordinance, may ratify, reverse, or modify any decisions of the Board. The applicant making the appeal or Council itself may request a public hearing before Council prior to Council ruling on any decision of the Board. In such case, Council shall provide the procedure for such hearing and ruling. The decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals shall become effective thirty (30) days after notification of the decision is mailed to the applicant and the Clerk of Council unless Council takes action on the decision or the applicant notifies the Clerk of Council in writing of his request for a Council ruling on the decision.  Failure of Council to act within thirty (30) days after such request or to rule within fifteen (15) days after a public hearing shall constitute a ratification of the decision of the Board. A Council ruling modifying or reversing a decision of the Board shall require an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members elected to Council.